Sunday, October 25, 2009

{Welcome back}

I hope everyone had a great fall break and got plenty of rest and relaxation. It only made me realize that I needed at least another week to get everything I had to get done accomplished. But I was able to get down to the classroom and change things up a bit. I don't like leaving anything the same very long so things will never be the same for more than a couple of weeks at school or at home.
Please look for new homework folders. You should see them and check them EVERY NIGHT! I only assign homework on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. However your child should be reading every night and you should be signing off on the reading log every night as well.

1 comment:

  1. What should they be reading? And if we haven't been doing this is it going to count against them grade wise? Was not sure what we were supposed to be doing and didn't have the reading log every night...
    Thank you for posting that we have to read and sign every night though.
